teds makes Delicious, Sustainable Dog Food. Want to try?

All of our dog food is c02 positive

Good for the planet, great for your dog

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co2 positive dog food

With the production of our feed and the raw materials we use, our carbon footprint is already low but that is not enough for us.

In everything we do we want to minimize our environmental impact and we compensate for the rest.

> All about our C02 plan

Sustainable and healthy

We use sustainable ingredients to make our dog food preparation. In doing so, we choose the highest possible quality and the lowest possible impact.

Yes, insects die in the making of our feed. We do not make vegetarian feed.

> More about sustainability

Delicious taste

Palatability is very important to us. More than 95% of all dogs choose Teds dog food over other brands.

This high wagging score makes feeding Teds not only good but also tasty.

> See all products

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