Register as a point of sale
On this page you can register a retailer of Teds. Are you not yet selling Teds dog food and would like more information about Teds? Then please contact someone from the Teds team.
The benefits of signing up as a point of sale
If you register as a point of sale of Teds Dog Food, you can enjoy a variety of benefits. For example, by participating in promotions organized by Teds Dog Food, you can stand out to your customers and increase your visibility. As a result, more and more people will know that you sell Teds Dog Food and will come to you specifically for this product.
In addition, your outlet will be listed on the Teds Dog Food website, making you even more findable to people looking for outlets. This is a great way to increase your brand awareness and expand your customer base.
Also, as a point of sale, you always stay up to date with the latest products from Teds Dog Food, so you are always current and offering the best to your customers.
In short, signing up as a Teds Dog Food retailer means you can enjoy all sorts of benefits, from promotions and listing on the website to new products and contributing to a more sustainable world. What are you waiting for? Sign up as a Teds Dog Food retailer today!