Available soon! Our brand new line of wet foods! We are pleased to announce three new and unique varieties, all developed based on extensive customer research,...
latest news and other reading
Krill dog food
Krill dog food that's what he wants... 🦐 🐶 #dogfood nerds! Krill dog food from Teds is a sustainable and healthy choice for dogs. The food is enriched with krill, a small...
Sustainable delivery with PostNL and Teds
Making an Impact Together We at Teds are always looking for ways to reduce our impact on the environment. That's why we're proud of our partnership with PostNL, which helps us reduce our...
Emeritus professor Arnold van Huis advocates use of insects
Within Wageningen University & Research, he is known as the insect eater. An honorary title, to which he agrees with some pride and a smile around his lips. After all, he - emeritus ...
Teds also to be visited at the interzoo
Interzoo is one of the largest international trade shows for the pet industry, where companies from around the world can present their products and services to a large group of professional...
Teds now also available at petsplace
Petsplace, the well-known pet store chain, has partnered with Teds, the manufacturer of sustainable insect-based dog food. Both parties are excited about this partnership....
Dutch company makes sustainable dog treats from insects
Dog food made from insects. Dutch start-up Teds hopes to conquer the market with it. The kibble should become a sustainable alternative to regular food made from, for example, insects,...
Sustainable business writes nice article on teds
Dutch owners get a sustainable alternative to dog food: dog food made from insects. Pets Place today launches a new insect line for dogs from the Dutch brand...
we are in petfood magazine
With the launch of our dog food, we have been featured in some great trade magazines such as Petfood magazine and DSZ topical. Would you like to read the articles? Then you can find the links here. DSZ topical...